
As most of you know, this was the second school year in which children and teachers from different schools and countries worked on Identity theme. We concentrated on our own identity, searching who we were and finding out all those parts of ourselves that were strong and positive, as well as negative. 
All the things, people, environments that we belonged to us drew our profile, our identity.

After two school years, we realized that identity not only encompassed the family name, the surname, date of birth, traditions, language, music, movies, food, gender and nationality of each of us, but also more details that were specific for each of us. Through them, everyone drew the proper profile. It all depended on what we focused on.

A part of that, our identity could involve also the way other people saw us – even their opinions, their views of who we were could be reflected in how we felt about ourselves and our identity.

Furthermore, the project produced a complete set of language teaching materials for children. It provided a model and new tools that could potentially be used in any European Country. 
These materials were worthy and more effective than the traditional methods thanks to their motivation because children became the main characters of the project, searching about their identity.

It also helped to improve the language skills of the pupils and increased their motivation to learn English and their interest in other countries and cultures.

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